Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
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Section 3 Produce Specific Programs and Regulations
1.3.1 Plant Health Import Requirements
All fresh fruit and vegetable imports must comply with the health and safety requirements of the SFCR and the FDR .
Certain fresh produce may be subject to import controls or permits. Applications for permits and other permissions may be submitted online through the My CFIA portal or directly through the CFIA’s Centre of Administration for Permissions using the CFIA/ACIA Form #5256 (see CFIA - Forms Catalogue). ● Learn more information about the permit application process. ● Find out more about what is required to import certain commodities into Canada on the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS).
More resources: ● CFIA Importing plants and plant products: what you need to know ● CFIA Pest Risk Analysis Process
● Preparedness for requesting a Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) ● Systems approach for the production of plant products ● Phytosanitary import requirements for fresh temperate fruits and tree nuts ● CFIA – D-95-26 - Plant protection requirements for soil and related matter and for items contaminated with soil and related matter, excluding plants and plant parts ● Industry Best Practices for Preventing Soil on Imported Produce (Excluding Potatoes)
1.3.2 National Chemical Residue Monitoring Program (NCRMP)
The National Chemical Residue Monitoring Program (NCRMP) provides data to Health Canada and its Agencies for the statistical determination of chemical contamination of foods and the estimation of whether the level of those contaminants poses a potential risk to consumers. They are then able to establish new standards for foods and review the existing standards for their ongoing appropriateness. Monitoring identifies any food producers distributing items in violation of standards in the Canadian marketplace. This allows for directed corrective interventions with such individuals and companies using the tools of the directed and compliance sampling programs.
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