Doing Business in Canada - CPMA

Doing Business in Canada - CPMA

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● food that is carried on any conveyance (ex. airplane, train) that is intended for the crew or passengers ● food that is intended and used for analysis, evaluation, research, or a trade show, provided that the food is part of a shipment that weighs 100 kg or less or, in the case of eggs, is part of a shipment of five or fewer cases ● food that is not intended or sold for human consumption ● food that is imported from the United States onto the Akwesasne Reserve by a permanent resident of the Reserve for their use ● food that is imported in bond (in transit) for use by crew or passengers of a cruise ship or military ship in Canada ● food that is traded between federal penitentiaries ● transporting a food commodity, if that is the sole activity of a person (i.e. trucking companies)

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1.2.2 The Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) Membership

DRC is a non-profit, membership-based organization serving the produce trade. As its name would suggest, the bread and butter of what DRC does is dispute resolution. In addition to consultation, mediation, and arbitration, DRC works closely with industry associations and governments on behalf of its members to reform legislation, make federal inspections more accessible, develop best practices, and level the playing field for participants. Transitioning to the SFCR Under the SFCR , a DRC membership is required to trade fresh fruits and vegetables (buy, sell, import, export), unless otherwise excepted. For current members of the DRC, it is business as usual. However, if you are not a member, it is important to determine if you require a membership in order to comply with the Regulations.

For more information on the DRC and related requirements under the SFCR , their contact information can be found here: DRC - Contact Information

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