Doing Business in Canada - CPMA

Doing Business in Canada - CPMA

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Health and Safety Fresh fruit and vegetables (including fresh herbs, fresh cut fruits and vegetables, sprouts) and edible fungi shipped interprovincially must also comply with the health and safety requirements of the SFCR and the FDR . Please contact your CFIA regional office for information on additives, food microbiology, irradiated foods, chemical residues or other food contaminants.

1.3.3 Grade Standards

Do your products need to meet a Grade Standard? Any fresh fruits or vegetables for which grades are prescribed in Canada and that are interprovincially traded or imported from outside Canada must be graded, must meet grade requirements set out in the Canadian Grade Compendium: Volume 2 – Fresh Fruit or Vegetables and must also be labelled with the applicable grade name. The grade names and grade requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables are set out in the Canadian Grade Compendium, Volume 2, Fresh Fruit or Vegetables , while those for imported fresh fruits or vegetables are set out in Canadian Grade Compendium, Volume 9, Import Grade Requirements . If an imported fresh fruit or vegetable meets the requirements of the Canadian Grade Compendium, Volume 2, Fresh Fruit or Vegetables , the import grade name in Volume 9 Import Grade Requirements for that fresh fruit or vegetable must be used on the label. Grades are optional for fresh blueberries, fresh cantaloupes, fresh crabapples, fresh cranberries, fresh field rhubarb and fresh strawberries. However, when these are graded and labelled with the applicable grade name, the grade requirements must be adhered to.

Grades do not apply to: •

Miniature vegetables, except in the case of miniature cucumbers. • Fresh fruits or vegetables that have been minimally processed. This includes, but is not limited to, fresh fruits or vegetables that are peeled, cut, sliced, chopped, cored, shredded, or consists of separated leaves.

Note: It is not permitted to indicate a Canadian grade on a product for which the Compendium does not prescribe a grade standard.

Fresh fruits or vegetables that are imported into Canada from the United States are considered to meet the applicable requirements outlined in the Canadian Grade Compendium, Volume 2, Fresh Fruit or Vegetables if they: • Are graded in the United States, and • Meet the applicable requirements in the Grade Standard Requirements for Fresh Fruits or Vegetables Imported from the United States Learn more information on grade labelling requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables, both domestic and imported, including fresh fruits or vegetables that are packaged or repackaged in Canada after their importation.

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