Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
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PLU numbers are printed on a small label that is attached directly to individual fruits and vegetables. They consist of a four- or five-digit number. Four-digit PLUs identify conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, while a 9 is added at the beginning of the PLU to identify the item as organic (ex. the PLU 4011 identifies a conventionally grown banana and the PLU 94011 identifies an organically grown banana). Learn more about PLU codes. PLU codes are assigned to fruits and vegetables following a rigorous review process conducted by the International Federation of Produce Standards (IFPS). Like the industry standardized UPCs, a block of PLU numbers has been reserved for individual use by retailers. Apply for a new PLU code. The full list of existing PLUs, in English and French, is available on the IFPS website. The French translation of the IFPS PLUs was developed by CPMA and the Quebec Produce Marketing Association (QPMA) to meet the needs of their respective memberships.
Learn more about produce coding and identification.
Section 5 Canadian Government Import Systems and Contacts
1.5.1 Where can I find Harmonized System (HS) Codes? Harmonized System Codes, commonly known as HS or the Tariff, is an international standard for classifying traded goods that is maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO). HS is numeric code of up to 10 digits that identifies what an item is, applicable duty rates and free trade agreements that may be utilized. The first six digits are universal to all WCO members and the last four are set by each country.
Learn more information about Canadian customs tariff and review CBSA’s Guide to tariff classification for Canadian imports.
1.5.2 The Automated Import Reference System (AIRS)
The CFIA’s Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) is available as a reference tool to provide accurate and up-to-date information on import requirements. By providing the commodity information, the user may determine the requirements for importation of that product. The application guides the user through a series of questions about the Harmonized System (HS) Codes (up to the first six digits), origin, destination, end use and miscellaneous qualifiers of the product they wish to import.
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