Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
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packaging of imported and interprovincially traded fresh fruits and vegetables in Canada. If your product is also sold in Quebec, it may have to meet additional provincial language regulations as per the Charter of the French Language. When sold intraprovincially, fresh fruits or vegetables are subject to the labelling requirements under the FDA and FDR , as well as specific requirements of the SFCA and SFCR that apply to prepackaged foods sold in Canada, regardless of the level of trade. Provincial regulations may also have labelling requirements for fresh fruits or vegetables that apply when these products are sold within that province.
See Section 1.3.4 on page 13 for more information about labelling requirements, as well as the CPMA Label Review Service.
2.1.6 Confirmation of Sale Under the SFCR , there is no longer a requirement for a Confirmation of Sale (COS) to accompany a load which is shipped from one province to another. However, many FFV dealers will have to be members in good standing with the DRC and will therefore be required to abide by the terms of and conditions of the DRC.
Note: A COS is not required for dealers who are not licensed under federal regulations but may be useful as a contract between parties.
2.1.7 Health and Safety Fresh fruit and vegetables (including fresh herbs, fresh cut fruits and vegetables and sprouts) and edible fungi shipped interprovincially must comply with the health and safety requirements of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations ( SFCR ) and the Food and Drug Regulations .
Please contact your CFIA regional office for information on additives, nutritional labelling and claims, food microbiology, irradiated foods, chemical residues or other food contaminants.
2.1.8 Exemptions and Regulatory Requirements Container, labelling and grade requirements may be waived through the issuance of a Ministerial Exemption (prior to shipment). The same exemptions apply for dealers and travellers, as covered in the Import Section. Plant protection and health and safety requirements are still applicable.
Note: The sale of fresh fruit and vegetables within a province is regulated by provincial authorities, and any questions should be referred to the provincial department of agriculture.
The SFCR provides for two distinct types of ministerial exemptions from the application of a provision of the Act or the Regulations. These provisions apply to all food commodities. The two types of ministerial exemptions are:
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