Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
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Commercial Driver Registration Program (CDRP) The Commercial Driver Registration Program (CDRP) makes it easier for commercial freight transporters to pass through customs into Canada from the United States (U.S.). This program offers efficient and effective clearance to low-risk goods and pre-approved importers, carriers and commercial drivers. Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) Program A Canadian program for low-risk, pre-approved importers, carriers and registered drivers that includes a streamlined clearance, accounting and payment process for goods imported into Canada. Partners in Protection Partners in Protection (PIP) is a cooperative program between private industry and the CBSA aimed at enhancing border and trade chain security. It is designed to streamline and make border processes more efficient for low-risk, pre-approved businesses recognized as trusted traders. Single Window Initiative The Single Window Initiative streamlines the sharing of commercial import data between the Government of Canada and the import community. Along with the CBSA, there are nine participating government departments and agencies representing 38 government programs .
Other Services for Importers Other CBSA programs and services designed for importers.
1.6.4 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Forms
Release of Commercial Goods - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) CBSA requires all goods entering Canada to be declared prior to, or at the time of importation, using the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Service providers (such as a Customs Broker) utilize the EDI to submit customs declaration on your behalf to the CBSA and all required government agencies, such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). For more information: • Memorandum D17-1-4: Release of Commercial Goods (Updated October 21, 2024) • Commercial importing reporting requirements
1.6.5 eManifest
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