Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
Doing Business in Canada - CPMA
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certified translator in Quebec, please visit L’Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ). • If your business uses a different trading name for a subsidiary, division, etc. other than that of the registered active or associate member of CPMA, the subsidiary, division, etc. requires their own active or associate membership to utilize the Label Review Service for its labels. • The label and package review provided by CPMA is not an approval process as only the Canadian government, through the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), has the authority in that matter. 1.3.5 Do your products meet Organic Standards and Regulations? The Canadian General Standards Board and organic sector have developed the Canadian Organic Standards, which outline the approved production processes and permitted substances for organic production and processing in Canada, and which are reviewed every five years. These Standards have also been incorporated by reference in the SFCR . Learn more about the Canada Organic Regime. Part 13 of the SFCR defines the requirements for the certification and marketing of organic products, both imported and domestic, including specific requirements for organic products to be labelled as organic or that bear the Canada Organic Logo. Under Part 13, all products must be certified as organic according to the Canadian Organic Standards, except in the case of imported products from countries with equivalency agreements with Canada, which would therefore need to meet that country’s organic requirements. See more information and a list of equivalency arrangements currently in place with Canada. It is also important to note that, while in general there are no regulatory requirements on PLU stickers on fresh produce in Canada, there are labelling requirements for bulk organic produce. If an organic claim is made on a label accompanying a bulk product, such as on a sticker, then the name of the certification body must also appear on this label. This applies to the use of organic claims and the organic logo on a Price Look-Up (PLU) sticker (SFCR 354, CFIA industry labelling tool). In addition to the requirements above, organic products may also need to meet provincial organic requirements. Please visit the CPMA Organic webpage for links to more information regarding organic regulation in Canadian provinces. Please note that anyone who imports organic products must be able to present a valid organic certificate when requested at any time, including at the time of import. The organic certificate must be issued by a certification body that is accredited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), or by an accredited certification body recognized under an existing organic equivalency
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